
Texturepacker Scaling Varient
texturepacker scaling varient

TexturePacker's 'scaling variants' dialog provides a set of presets.

Standard and diffuse both with opaque and transparent variants, to be used to create a material for geometry.Multidimensional scaling ( MDS) is a means of visualizing the level of similarity of individual cases of a dataset. Unity - Manual: Sprite Atlas workflow. Convert 7 days ago To create the Sprite Atlas A texture that is composed of several smaller textures.

An example of classical multidimensional scaling applied to voting patterns in the United States House of Representatives. Each red dot represents one Republican member of the House, and each blue dot one Democrat.New FlawedGrace Trojan Variant Distributed via Large-scale Email Campaigns. Yesterday (Tuesday, 20th of October), security researchers at the Proofpoint firm uncovered a large-scale malicious email campaign performed by the notorious TA505 hacker group that distributes a variant of the FlawedGrace RAT (Remote Access Trojan).

Rather than having to produce two versions of your graphics files and use TexturePacker twice to export separate sprite sheets for retina and non-retina, you are able to tell TexturePacker to do all of this for you. I've read many posts - here, and here for example, but their suggested solutions don't help or make little difference.This is where the ‘Scaling Variants’ feature comes in useful. QObject qmlMediaPlayer QMediaPlayer player qvariantcast (qmlMediaPlayer -> property ( 'mediaObject' )) I am experiencing HUGE performance issues with iOS9 and I just can't figure out what to do. It can be used to get a pointer to a QMediaPlayer object in order to integrate with C++ code.

However forcing my device to use a very small atlas made no difference.I'm using Texture Packer to generate my atlases with scaling variants for the different devices. One of a much larger resolution. I have no alternative to using crop nodes, but it can't be the whole problem.I thought perhaps the wrong texture atlas was being used - i.e. This was never an issue in iOS8, but it appears iOS9, while it does a better job of cropping, also eats up performance doing so.If I render the crop nodes as normal SKSpriteNodes, I gain maybe 5fps on old devices, and up to 30 on a newer iPhone 6. I usually render several SKCropNodes in my scene (6 - 18). I'm pretty certain one of them is SKCropNodes.

Obviously Apple has changed something to do with rendering that has had an adverse effect. Png extension to every image name (originally a problem that meant they wouldn't render.)I have some SKEffectNodes in my scenes, but removing and adding these doesn't seem to have an effect.I don't understand how the same hardware and the same code can produce such drastically different results. Nevertheless, with low res textures, it still runs terribly.I have tried setting skView.ignoresSiblingOrder = YES And given all my nodes zPosition values, but still no effect. I've tried adding my atlases to XCAssets, but then for some reason it won't use the scaling variants. This isn't suitable to my game, since I use 100s of sprites.

texturepacker scaling varient

There can be up to 9 characters on screen at a time. My game contains customised characters, with assets from a range of atlases (each of which contains ~100 textures). On iOS 9, same project, I can add about 25 before the frame rate drops to < 30.In terms of texture atlas use, as in my comment, I can't guarantee that anything will be drawn from the same atlas.

Texturepacker Scaling Varient How To Forward It

Even if you limit the number of threads in the pool to the number of CPUs you have, each task probably will run slower, albeit slightly.If, however, you compare the throughput (amount of time needed to complete a number of tasks) of your different sized thread pools, you should see that the 20 thread throughput should be higher. It is easier for the computer to execute one task at a time instead of switching between multiple threads running at the same time. Moreover you do not know at which point in the game loop they are executed which can cause a variety of issues depending on what your code actually does.The only two sanctioned ways to perform something time-based in Sprite Kit is to either use the SKScene update: method and using the passed-in currentTime parameter to keep track of time.Or more commonly you would just use an action sequence that starts with a wait action: id wait = And to run the code repeatedly: ]]] Alternatively you can also use performSelector:onTarget: instead of runBlock: or perhaps use a customActionWithDuration:actionBlock: if you need to mimick the SKScene update: method and don't know how to forward it to the node or where forwarding would be inconvenient.Swift 5 run(SKAction.repeatForever(SKAction.sequence([SKAction.run( /*code block or a func name to call*/ ),Swift 3 let wait = SKAction.wait(forDuration:2.5)Swift 2 let wait = SKAction.waitForDuration(2.5)RunAction(SKAction.sequence())And to run the code repeatedly: runAction(SKAction.repeatActionForever(SKAction.sequence()))Can anyone tell me what can be the reason for such high performance issues with newSingleThreadExecutor vs newFixedThreadPool(20).If you are running many more tasks in parallel (20 in the case) than you have processors (I doubt that you have 20+ processor box) then yes, each individual task is going to take longer to complete. Method) because these timing methods ignore a node's, scene's or the view's paused state. So far, nothing from Apple.In Sprite Kit do not use NSTimer, performSelector:afterDelay: or Grand Central Dispatch (GCD, ie any dispatch_. I also used up one of my tech support requests.

More CPU bound then reduce the number of threads to be closer to the number of CPUs available. More IO requests or thread blocking operations then add more threads. How many threads to use depends heavily on the amount of IO, the CPU cycles used by each task, locks, synchronized blocks, other applications running on the OS, and other factors.People often use 1-2 times the number of CPUs as a good place to start in terms of the number of threads in the pool to maximize throughput. But it might be something like 15 times faster.You should not be worrying about the individual task speed but rather you should be trying to maximize the task throughput by tuning the number of threads in your pool. It will probably not be 20 times faster given thread overhead, etc. Each task may take longer but they will be executing in parallel.

texturepacker scaling varient